Keynotes, Leadership Retreats, Conferences and Company Events

Pantea Vahidi is a speaker, educator, and corporate consultant.

Vahidi is the founder of Compassion Clinic™, a psychologically safe place for healthcare professionals to fill their cups through immersion in compassionate support with peers.

Pantea is also the creator of "The Vahidi Compassion Model", an emerging nursing theory taught at nursing schools, medical schools, and healthcare systems that helps empower current and aspiring healthcare professionals with compassion tools to use when feeling helpless and powerless in the face of prolonged suffering.

An engineer turned nurse, Vahidi uses the power of storytelling and story sharing to shine light on the battles we all fight behind closed doors to elevate empathy and then empowers all with practical tools to provide 

Why Compassion Clinic?

Who is it for?

How is it delivered?

Why Talk about Compassion?

...a Nurse Leader

"As the Keynote Speaker at our leadership retreat, Pantea gave a powerful talk on compassion. She masterfully used storytelling and evidence-based practices to deliver knowledge, perspective, and practical tools on how to be more compassionate. 
One of our clinicians said “Her presentation was very uplifting; I felt weight off my shoulders by the time I left” and another leader reflected, “I was able to see a different perspective in how to approach difficult situations”.
Pantea’s knowledge on compassion, healing and forgiveness is profound and her presence is captivating and comforting. "

Maria Martinez, RN
Chief Nursing Officer
La Paz Regional Hospital

...a Front Line Nurse

"Attending a Compassion Clinic session feels like wrapping yourself in a warm, cozy blanket with a cup of chai in your most comfortable pair of sweatpants! What is delivered isn’t a cure, but it heals your soul. It makes you feel valued, treasured, cared for because who takes care of a nurse when they are down, but another nurse. Compassion Clinic sessions restore and refill provider’s baskets by reminding us of our “why”. It brings us back to why we decided to become a nurse."

Jennifer Stevens-Smith MSN, RN
Dayton Children’s Hospital

“The Vahidi Compassion Model''™, an emerging nursing theory, is a conceptualized method with actionable tools to bridge the gap of having compassion as a slogan on posters and putting it into practice.

With compassionate care being the integral part of healthcare and the abundant scientific evidence on the benefits of it, the WHY is clear, but the HOW is not.

The model is a reverse-engineered framework of compassionate behaviors that transform suffering and despair to relief, hope, and strength.

Our vision is to raise awareness about the sufferings around the world and alleviate it with compassion globally.

Recommended Audience:
Clinicians, Care Teams, and Leaders

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